Character Personality Matrix

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Section 1: Character Personality Matrix Theory Major Components Structure Process Growth and Development Psychopathology Change 1. The Big 5 trait factor The Big Five Theory identifies certain traits that explain the personality of a person. It looks at the following aspects of a person: 1). Openness, 2). Conscientious,3).Extraversion, 4). Agreeableness,5). Neuroticism. A person’s openness is measured on the following factors: 1.) How curious a person is, 2). how truthful a person is 3). appreciation for imagination, 4). willingness to try something new, 5). traditional they are. An individual that scores high in this area usually are outgoing, curious, open to new things, and embrace experience. Individuals that score low in the area tend to be more traditional, rather remain in the comfort zone, plain, and not explore new ideas. Conscientious is when a person shows a lot of self discipline , very task oriented, and will complete a job as efficiently as possible. An individual scoring high in this area are highly efficiently, very goal oriented, punctual, and organized. An individual that scores low in these areas tend to have no direction, careless, unpredictable, and unlikely to finish what they started. Extraversion is chrematistic of a positive person who seeks out the company of others. They enjoy the time with others more than the time alone. Individuals who score high in this area enjoy being the center of attention or the life of the party, they are comfortable around others, they do not mind starting conversations, and will actively talk with several people involved in the gathering. Individuals that score low in this area usually do not like to go where there are people they do not know, they rather be in t... ... middle of paper ... ...e is Will told Sean that he could see and do anything by reading. Sean’s answer was maybe so but it does not make you feel. You do not know it until you feel it (movie, 1994). They discussed honorable work, just because building houses is honorable,, does not mean you can not do something better. You life now does not have to be what it is the rest of the time. Sean encouraged how important feelings were when making choices about things. Feelings were something that Will had not allowed. Sean allowed him to feel. Will became more caring, conscientious, and goal oriented. He was more open to different choices instead of the routine ones that were comfortable. Even though, he visited an arranged job interview by the professor, he took the biggest risk of all-he went for the girl. Thus, the ability to take risks is definitely a positive change. 2.

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