Where Have All The Criminals Gone By Steven D. Dubner

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In chapter 4 of Freakonomics, “Where Have All the Criminals Gone?” Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner discuss and argue the possible reasons for the crime drop in the 1990’s, asking and focusing on the question “just where did all those criminals go” (108)? The authors open with a story about the abortion laws in Romania, transitioning into the many factors that could have affected the 1990’s crime drop in America. Some of these factors include the following; Strong economy, increase in police, gun-control laws, the aging of the population, and then their main argument, abortion. While reading this essay, I had difficulty with many things, first off, my emotions, followed by the overall organization.
Throughout the essay the authors analyzed and interpreted data collected on the many possible factors that may have contributed to the crime drop. However, all the factors were dismissed as being a reasonable factor apart from abortion. Although Levitt and Dubner’s argument is extremely factual and convincing, many readers will disagree, because they cannot get past the emotion and their personal beliefs. The authors believe that the decline in crime was a result of Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion in the United States. “Between 1988 and 1994, violent crime in the early-legalizing …show more content…

“She may be unmarried or in a bad marriage. She may consider herself too poor to raise a child. She may think her life is too unstable or unhappy, or she may think that her drinking or drug use will damage the baby’s health” (126). The emotional appeal in this paragraph could make the reader think they are pro-choice. Apart from their use of pathos, the authors do a great job using a mixture of both ethos and logos. Page 130 is an example of both, which were used expertly to help the reader understand their point of view and the

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