The Challenges with Human Resource Departments

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HUMAN RESOURCE CHALLENGES 2 The Challenges with Human Resource Departments In today's workforce, the job of a manager for a human resource department faces many challenges and act as the mediator for the employees, organizations, and other stakeholder needs are to be addressed on issues related to laws, policies, and interpersonal skills, managing personnel issues, and setting an environment to coordinate a multicultural workforce. The human resource department requires an orderly approach to handle issues on any given day. This profession requires someone that's tactful and strategically prioritizes the business' needs by recruiting employees that are qualified to do the job and sometimes it can be challenging when the control is removed from the human relations department and managed by the supervisors. For the purpose of this paper, the focus will be how a human resource managers struggle with planning, managing and balancing multicultural workers who has no knowledge of laws in the workplace to prevent lawsuits. Sometimes, the hiring process must be a well thought out process when hiring from various cultures because the company runs the risks of potential legal consequences due to the melting pot of employees who may not necessarily be accustom or familiar with the logistics of laws in the U.S., or you are working with different ethnic groups within the U.S., diversity can by challenging. The second challenge is managers who aren't well-informed of common work practices and work ethics on how to deal with employees in an effective manner. For some time, HR managers find themselves putting out fires and reacting to personnel issues within an organization, but the problem exists when he or she fail to become proactive to p... ... middle of paper ... ...hallenges of multicultural challenges in the workplace and managers who aren't well-informed of common work practices and ethics on how to deal with employees in an effective manner to prevent lawsuits that could possibly occur from uninformed employees relying on the influence and role of a human resource department. HUMAN RESOURCE CHALLENGES 10 References Cohen ,C. (2000). Creating a Human Resources Department. The CPA Journal,70(9),54. Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID:62818249). Kennedy, E. (2004). Bridging the Gap Between Company and Employees: Human Resource Management. Women in Business,56(3),10-15. Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID:628644861). Quinn, S. (1998). Putting the Human Back into Human Resources. Public Management,80(9),23-28. Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID:33513006).

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