The Pros And Cons Of International Labor Issues

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International labor issues can come in many forms, effect a variety of individuals and can arise anywhere. Child labor, forced labor as well as human trafficking are all challenges faced in the labor market. The issues are not specific to any particular person, however, there are certain people who are targeted more than others. While outsourcing may target specific individuals, it is not the main or most important issue for international labor. One’s background, gender, age, poverty and education all play a role in international labor issues. Child labor is described as any child who is a minor working under the age of eighteen. The International Labor Organization as put forth standards that depicts what children should and should …show more content…

Human trafficking targets are specific to more females but can happen with both male and female. Traffickers may recruit their victims through false promises, leading them to believe they are going to have a better life, a good job, or education. Unemployment, lack of economic opportunities, poverty, domestic violence and parentless children are all factors that contribute to the vulnerability of targets.
Human trafficking is motivated by demand and supply, as well as money driven. Traffickers will transport their victims wherever necessary, they will pay for all meals, housing, transportation and visas. This leaves victims easier to control through debt bondage. Victims will be forever in debt to their trafficker as the “debt” never decreases. Traffickers will also take victim’s identity, travel documents, locking the victim up, forcing drug use or making threats to the victim’s family to also control them. They don’t have control over their daily lives anymore, all is controlled, when to sleep, eat or rest. Traffickers subject these victims to physical, mental and social distress, like, psychological manipulation, forced drug use, torture, rape, physical and mental abuse, leaving victims too afraid to

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