What Are The Challenges Of Entrepreneurs

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Challenges of the Entrepreneurs and their Solutions Being an entrepreneur is not an easy task because someone is faced with numerous challenges. Although, it is much challenging many individual have preferred quitting their jobs to engage in business as it is well rewarding than the full-time job. The various challenges that entrepreneurs face can be categorized as following. Planning Planning starts even before one becomes an entrepreneur as one as to make the decision of which business to start, and plan how it will be run after quitting his/her current job.One should plan the kind of product or service that one will be producing as the customer will be much satisfied with products that are of high quality.The entrepreneur should make plans that will ensure that the kinds of products they produce are of high quality to remain competitive in today’s market. One should have plans of where to get their finances as one always faces a major problem when …show more content…

The leaders are supposed to be the heart of the firm, and they must inspire the junior employees to work together for acommon aim. They should console, encourage, and work together with persons to keep them united and eager to drive the business onward. They are faced with challenges of keeping these individuals motivated. They have to come up with directions and communicate them to everyone whether they are listening or not, ensuring the business continues forward even when things are tough in the business world. The main challenges of leading are; one, the leaders have to come up with aclear vision that is achievable within a given period. They have to know the available resources that can enable the business to thrive to reach the set vision.Second, they leader should have that need aura and charisma while communicating that vision for the

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