Challenges Faced by students

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Challenges Faced by students
Do we really live in a global village? Do we do enough to make our fellow those around us feel part of the collective community? Globalization has ensured that the people of the world are brought much closer to one another this has been influenced by various advances man has made over time some of the most significant enabling factors of globalization are Transport and economic systems which have become very integrated that moving from one part of the world to the other takes only hours, this is how various ideal situations such as international study have been facilitated, student come from far off countries to pursue their higher education in countries such as America which has been a favorite educational destination this students who venture into this new countries stand to gain a lot from this cross cultural interaction also they tend to become more mature because they make their own decisions. However as with any new environment there is bound to be some difficulties, the institutions charged with these foreign students and their family members may dismiss providing enough assistance in the settling in of these international students. Complications that may arise include experiencing language barriers, culture neglect, Emotional well-being, and many other social cultural issues that may come up.
The Administration and policy makers in higher institutions of learning should be responsible for the naturalization efforts of foreign students naturalization mean here language, cultural adjusting and their emotional state for the reducing the impact of this problem.
Often, most foreign when they get to a foreign country for study they feel overwhelmed by what they meet there communication is big...

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...arious bodies should be formulated to ensure that no student is left behind in. Proactive programs to handle language barriers promotion of cultural appreciation and recognition and even the development of preventive than curative measures of counseling and improvement to other crucial areas of student well-being are the only ways that will ensure that America remains the most sought after Educational destination for many more years to come.

Works Cited

Sherry, Mark, Peter Thomas, and Chui Wing Hong. "International Students: A Vulnerable Student Population." Higher Education 60.1 (2010): 33-46. Academic Search Premier. Web. 13 Nov. 2013.Pp.2, 5, & 8
McLachlan, Debra A., and Jessica Justice. "A Grounded Theory of International Student Well-Being." Journal Of Theory Construction & Testing 13.1 (2009): 27-32. Academic Search Premier. Web. 13 Nov. 2013.Pp. 1, 3, & 4

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