Censoring of Violent Video Games

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There has always been controversy as to whether violent video games should be censored. Video games should be censored for the good of society. Video games do harm to teens and society due to making teens accumulate frustrations,makes teens think violence is acceptable in problem solving, and makes them very unhealthy but it also does some good, such as helps teens control their emotions, makes them conscious of what is good from what is bad, and helps them get rid of stress. This controversy may just be solved with the help of some research.
Violent video games makes teens think violence is acceptable in problem solving. Teens usually play and use violence to solve any crime or any wrong business that might of have had gone wrong during any dealing of some sort. Playing “Grand Theft Auto” is the greatest example in which you go and use your fists or weapons of any kind ,and instead of peacefully resolving problems out peacefully it goes up to solving their problems with violence. Now, when it comes to real life conflict between one teen to another individual the first thing they think about is of the video game, what would so and so character in so and so game do? They go on into using violence.Instead of solving everything like normal civilized human beings, through either an agreement through verbal confrontation, they go on to violence as a easy way out which only causes more trouble. This is actually going into that teens which play these violent video games actually think violence is a real problem solving skill.according to the review “ Contributing to Youth Violence,(1)” “...violent video games teach youth that violence is acceptable conflict-solving strategy…” Showing how violence on video games contributes to violenc...

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...ese games are played. When teens play these violent video games in their “playstations” or “Xbox’s” they tend to accumulate frustrations. Teens tend to commit more violence with all that tension they have, they don’t think right and just try to take out all those frustrations and stress by hurting other people. It is only up to the people to decide whether to if media violence shall be censored. Think about all the violence in the world now, and just in our society and mainly its the teens society. Violence in the media should totally be censored in all good to society.

Works Cited

“ Contributing to Youth Violence”.www.ProCon.org.18 December 2013
Iowa State University.”The Science of Parenting”.8 May 1997. www.extension.Iastate.edu/pub
18 December 2013
“Violence in the Media” by Douglas Parod.
“Pros and Cons Violent Media”. www.ehow.com/info. 18 December 2013

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