Cell Phone Technology and its Effect on Society

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Cell phone technology has been around for over twenty years. It has only been the last ten years where it has integrated completely into our lives and changed how we communicate with each other. Entire social rules of interaction were completely changed. Now you could be reached at anytime. It seemed like having a cell phone guaranteed some level of privacy from others around you. But what about your own privacy? With the technology revolution that has been taking place there seems to be no focus on personal relationships. The entire English language has been chopped up and shortened into meaningless letters and phrases It has caused loss of human interaction and expression in our modern daily lifestyles. Last week I was taking a break in between shifts at work and grabbing a quick bite to eat. While eating my sandwich, I noticed a group of about five teenagers walking down the street together. Every single one of them was on their cell phone either talking or texting. What is so important to distract everyone one of them from each other? What happened to the strong bonds of childhood friends? There seems to be this emotional void or no understanding as to how to relate to each other in a real world sense. Everyone always seems so much cooler when they can type and then retype what they want to say. There is no vulnerability and growth with each other. Another distraction has to be the loss of our beautiful language. Human inflection and tone along with gestures to convey our meaning make up a good part of our language. It is more than just words put together. How are we supposed to explain complex thoughts of feeling with the loss of compassion? My friend Danielle was dating this guy for over a year. They had shared a lot of experiences both good and bad. They even talked about marriage and what their future could be. When she got the text that he didn't think it could work out she was devastated. There was no real explanation nor any opportunity to ask questions- to make him responsible for the negligent way in which he treated her. He was able to just deliver a bomb and then walk away with no emotional accountability.

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