Cause And Effect Of Stress Essay

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Friederich Nietzsche wrote, “Whoever fights monsters should seek to it that in the process he does not become a monster”. This aptly applies to police officers who face unexpected and potentially dangerous situations every day. Police officers are confronted with destructive and negative behavior on a regular basis. Law enforcement is one of the most stressful and demanding professions in the United States. Characteristics of police work are stressful because a situation can change at any time. An FBI report shows that approximately twelve out of every one hundred or 60,000 police officers are assaulted each year (Stevens, p. 587). Combined with many other factors, Stress is defined as “the wear and tear our bodies and minds experience as we react to physiological, psychological and environmental changes throughout our lives” (Stevens). Hans Selye, the researcher who coined the term stress, There are two …show more content…

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