The Causes and Effects of Homosexuality and the Tolerant Actions that Should be Taken

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Psychologists’ main claim on the cause of homosexuality is that homosexuals grow up and/or mature in an environment unnatural to that of healthy, normal adults. There are two primary unnatural environments: the romantic environment and the adolescent environment. Scientists have done some research and found that most homosexuals were not born with their sexual orientation but that young people found the lifestyle as a point of refuge. “Young people who have had poor heterosexual relationships that caused physical or mental pain may retreat from all heterosexual experiences” (Miller 46). If the average human finds that he or she fail many times that the other option may end with more success. Young people today are more eager to start romantic relationships than ever which raises the probability of failure and therefore raising the probability of young people turning to homosexuality. The problem comes in when one realizes that the average teen is not mature enough to manage one’s own relationship and is more apt to fail than the average and more mature adult. This rise in relationship failures in not natural in society which henceforth concludes that homosexuality is not natural in society.
The second unnatural environment that homosexuals seem to have been brought up in is the adolescent environment. This consists of the atmospheres created by the parents and the peers. “As you can see, your parents have been instrumental in forming a part of your sexual identity. But research has found that the attitudes you hold today have also been determined by another group, your peers” (Miller 46). The very first things a child learns is what they get from the mouths of their parents. If the parents are already exposing their kids to libe...

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..., Paul, Cameron, Kirk, and Practor, Kay. Effect of Homosexuality Upon Public Health and Social Order. Family Research Institute. 2014. Family Research Institute. Web. Wed. 26 Mar. 2014.
Dunbar, Robert E. Homosexuality, United States: Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data, 1995. Print.
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Ettelbrick, Paula L. “Legalizing Gay Marriage Would Harm Homosexuals.” Homosexuality: Opposing Viewpoints. Dudley, William, ed. United States: Opposing Viewpoints Series. Pages 177-183. Print.
Mirken, Bruce. “School Programs Should Stress Acceptance of Homosexuality.” Homosexuality: Opposing Viewpoints. Dudley, William, ed. United States: Opposing Viewpoints Series. Pages 106-112. Print.

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