Cause And Effect Essay On Autism

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A mental illness is a medical condition that disrupts a person's thinking, feeling, moods, ability to relate to others and daily functioning. One form of a mental illness is called Autism also known as autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This is a spectrum disorder meaning it can affect everyone differently. Autism is a complex developmental disability that primarily becomes visible during the first three years of life and is the outcome of a neurological disorder that impacts the normal functioning of the brain. Thus, impacting development in the areas of social interaction and communication skills. “Autism which is also termed as autism spectrum disorders or ASD is a wide range or spectrum of brain disorders that is usually noticed in young children that decreases the individual's ability to communicate and relate emotionally to others. This disability may range from mild to severe.” (Charman) Both children and adults with autism typically show difficulties in verbal and non-verbal communication, social interactions, and play activities. Where did the world of Autism come from? This term has been around for a little over a hundred years and stems from the Greek word “autos” which means self. The word gives a run down of how a person is removed from social interactions thus being secluded. The word was first used in 1911 by a psychiatrist while referring to a group of symptoms of schizophrenia. About 30 years later researchers from the United States started using the term to describe children with social or emotional problems. Autism is one the fastest growing mental illnesses in the United States. It “is a disability that can make daily activities difficult. One out of ten autistics cannot speak, nine out often have no regula...

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...ea of learning, from social and emotional awareness to the ability to process language and sensory experiences. Until more research is done on the information about how autism affects neurological function, children and adults who are affected will not be helped to the fullest potential of their capabilities. By gaining more information about the neurological differences in the autistic brain versus a non-autistic brain, science will fully be able to understand the best way to teach individuals with autism so that they could participate to their fullest potential within their life. The effects of Autism on people in immense. It develops basically from the time of birth and it would be something the person carries with them for the rest of their life. Hopefully with future advancements in science and medicine there will eventually be a cure for these people.

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