Cattle, Disease Prevention Is Vital

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When it comes to cattle, disease prevention is vital due to the fact that beef is one of the largest food sources in the world. There are many different diseases that can affect bovine. Most of them can be treated, but not all. With new advances in medicine and technology, farmers and veterinarians now have the power to prevent these diseases from breaking out instead of waiting until their cattle are infected and dying. There are multiple ways farmers can avoid the initial infection and use effective methods to prevent diseases from infecting the rest of their herd.
Every disease advances differently and affects the animals in different ways. They all have a main symptom that is specific to the disease. This can be the first and biggest sign to most farmers that something is wrong with their animal. In raising any animal, including cattle, it is essential that you always pay close attention to their health and habits. The slightest behavioral changess in your animal could be the difference between life and death.
Diseases can be caused by bacteria, a virus, what they eat, their environment, or a number of other reasons. According to the University of Minnesota Extension, each disease is caused by a “causing agent”. This is just the name of the bacteria or virus, or what causes the disease.Some diseases however, are more common than others. A few of these include: Brucellosis, Leptospirosis, Listeriosis, Neosporosis, and Trichomoniasis.
Some of these diseases can cause a significant amount of damage to the infected animal. There are multiple diseases that can cause an abortion at a very early stage in the calf’s development. Some diseases cause symptoms to appear rather quickly, but others may not have symptoms that appear un...

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...ead through air or water contamination. Instead, the farmer should contact an incinerator, renderer, maggot farm, etc. These actions should be taken immediately after the animal expires.
There are multiple ways farmers can avoid the initial infection and use effective methods to prevent diseases from infecting the rest of their herd. Not all diseases can be prevented but most can. Technology is now available to help keep bovine from contracting these diseases instead of waiting until they are sick and then trying to treat them. This helps increase the overall health of the herd. Taking measures to prevent diseases is less time consuming and more effective than the later treatment of the disease. All commercial farmers should vaccinate against the diseases that have vaccinations available to help prevent the overall spread of diseases throughout the entire industry.

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