Business Management Case Study

1766 Words4 Pages

Sarida Saadeh
Business Management
“Creating business History”

Management is defined as "the process of achieving organizational objectives within a changing environment, by balancing efficiency, effectiveness and equity, obtaining the most from limited resources, and working with and through other people" (Naylor 2004:6). Theorists have continuously sought for means of improving business performance to achieve organizational goals. The school of scientific management, which was developed at the end of the nineteenth century, was amongst the first to try to apply rational principles of science and engineering to social organization and focused mainly on the operations side to find the best way for improving the process.
Throughout the years, the rule of management has changed to meet the continuous changes in customer's needs as well as the dynamic nature of the environment.
The Rise Of Feminine Values
The 1970s was the decade where women fought the hardest for equal rights. Before the 1970s the career options for women were limited to secretary, teacher, stewardess…it was the decade that divorces skyrocketed and women started to become self-sufficient financially. Women around the world today have greater access to education, employment and opportunities than they have before. Women already outnumber men in the workforce in the United States. The increase in women’s access to higher education has been dramatic. A century ago, fewer than twenty percent of college students were women. Today women account for almost sixty percent at the graduate level in the United States. On average women also perform better academically. As a result, most white collard professions will likely soon to be dominated by women, including fie...

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...ot impossible, to conduct strictly honest business-Mahatma Gandi
Strategic Planning
In the 1960s and in the 1970s, managers reviewed strategic planning as the best way to ensure productivity and profits. The assumption was that everything that was of potential value to decision making and strategic planning could be measured and that after subjecting those measurements


. References
Computer Technology During The 70’s 80’s And 90’s. (2001, April 01). In Retrieved 20:49, February 18, 2014, from

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