Bernie Madoff: The Case Of Bernie Madoff Case

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Life, has it’s many challenges and benefits, but with this comes CHOICE. Everyday we face choices; good-bad, happy-sad, anger-joy, and RIGHT-WRONG. Sometimes it’s not that black and white and sometimes it’s nothing but. Such as it was with the Bernie Madoff case. He may have had a plan that might have given his clients what he said, and thought that by the time that they needed and wanted their monies the plan would come together, but as he earned the TRUST of many and it became EASY, then it became easier and easier. The more he got away with the more it became a habit. Mama always said, “Whatever you do in the dark of night will someday come into the light.” And then there is the old saying “Live like someone is watching”
We have ALL …show more content…

The Madoff’s legacy was one of greed which may have started with a need, therefore he justified the means to the end. When the need was satisfied with little or no effort or resistance it became easy to overlook the end, and when the pleasure came it became an addiction that could not be quenched.What he did was unethical. Bernie deceived his investors in order to accumulate personal wealth. He didn’t consider the people he was taking money from. The lust for approval and personal status was so overwhelming that it didn’t matter how many people he had to utilize in order to obtain and maintain the position he desired. Madoff was heartless, and the heartlessness was fueled by the need for the high of for continued deception. His decision to swindle money from his investors was not a rational decision. Thus he is reaping what he …show more content…

My only driving motivation would have to be the survival of my family (food and shelter). Now after I would have secured those things (all be it unethical) the rest would be greed(the addiction to the wealth would have kicked in). Have you ever needed $5.00 and Mom would probably say no and so you feel you’ll get it and would put it back before she missed it, but it didn’t work out that way or perhaps it did and so the next time you thought well lets get $10.00 this time, but when you got your check you couldn’t cover it and now you are sweating. Well that is the ponzi scheme on a micro scale. The end is the same the gut stabbing embarrassment or the thrill of the game. When adrenaline of getting away with it becomes a rush then you are addicted to the deception and putting ALL that you love at risk becomes secondary. “It’s a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive”, another great line my mother use to

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