Analysis Of Daniel 12: 2

671 Words2 Pages

Micah Scheuermann
Mr. Rose
Logic and Worldviews-3
April 1, 2014
Daniel 12:2
Many passages in the Bible talk about and discus the concept of death. The passage that will be looked at today is in Daniel, the book of Daniel’s visions and activities throughout his life. This book is full of accounts that give evidence that the bible is true. This essay will discuss the meaning and purpose of the verse Daniel 12:2. Although there are many good verses on death and eternal life, Daniel 12:2 is a very good verse to reference, on death and everlasting life, because of its metaphors, references to other scripture, and overall deep meaning.
The verse of Daniel 12:2 can be interpreted in many different was, but the way it is supposed to be interpreted is that when you fall asleep, you will either have eternal life, or have shame and everlasting contempt. When Daniel says, “Sleep in the dust of the Earth,” (Daniel 12:2a) he means that people will die in the earth, where we were born. Sleep refers to dying because you cannot receive eternal life, or eternal pain, without dying and going to heaven or hell. Something a little odd about the first part of the verse it the “many” in the verse, the many can be used to say that not all people will be resurrected. This is not the case, because in the bible many is used in exchange for all as seen in Romans 5:19 . When he says the dust of the Earth he refers to burial of some sort by putting the body inside the Earth or dust. Now, when he says the person awakes he refers to the resurrection of the person, which will be personal because of the contrast between the two fates. But the revival could be talking about just the nation of Israel, his first coming, or the judgment of the whole earth, second co...

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...the fourth worldview question because it is related to death and what comes after death. The worldview question asks what happens after death. As seen in the other paragraph, that this verse answers that question. The verse states that after death one will either go to heaven or hell, have eternal life or eternal contempt. This is good information that supports the truthfulness of the Bible.
In concision, James 12:2 is talking about the final death and resurrection of all people and they either goes to heaven of go to hell. The shame that comes with hell is described as naked, foolish, cruelty, and nothingness . Is this really what people want for their lives? Life is a gift that is given to us by God, meaning he could take it at any time. Do people really want to be shamed eternally and in constant pain, or be with God in the city where the streets have no name?

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