Smart Phones Case Study

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Case summary Smartphone usage continues to soar as more and more users rely on their devices to perform routine tasks. This lets law enforcement agencies use location services to learn more about criminal activities; in addition, if you were injured, your cell phone would be able to automatically report your location to authorities. However, not all companies track their users for the sole person of bettering the greater good. Major technology companies such as Apple, Google, and Android take advantage of all those using their phones to stay connected and “on the grid”. The Web grid lets these companies track your routine activities so they can sell the analyzed information back to advertisers who will then customize their advertisements to target you specifically. In 2011, The Wall Street Journal discovered that Apple and Google were collecting personal and private location data on their iPhones or Android users. While Apple transmits your location back to central services every 12 hours, Google is capable of transmitting your location and …show more content…

If companies ignore the customer’s request to opt-out, they are illegally using their customer’s data to make a profit. Tracking a customer without consent is no different than stalking; and this is a violation of a person’s privacy. On the other hand, if the customer has given the company consent to be tracked, is it no longer a violation. In addition, it is also considered helpful because if the customer is ever in any danger, their mobile device would be able to help officers locate them. As well, if the customer is ordering food, the food deliverer would be able to track where the customer is located for efficient food services to satisfy the hungry

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