Goals and Vision

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Leaders must be many things. They must be the pinnacle of what their workforce would want to follow. Leaders must be accessible by the people while being above reproach at an attainable level. If leaders are not above reproach they could be dissuaded by the alternate viewpoints. It’s imperative that leaders encompass motivation and a spark of charisma to be effective and to impart vision to their employees.

In my opinion, a leader needs to be both very likeable and able to be an authoritarian on opposite sides of the spectrum. The person chosen to be the desired leader can and will make a following for themselves. If a leader can and does possess inherent likeable and good leadership qualities, then people will be willing to follow them. They will then have their people believe in them and their employees and those underneath them will look up to them and be willing to shadow their inspirations, goals and visions (Big Dog and Little Dog’s Juxtaposition, 2011). People in the workforce must have someone to follow if they are not born leaders or have been placed in a leader group. This is especially important in the workforce.

If those placed in the position of leadership are acting as leaders, then they need to be follow-worthy and people must like them. If their employee workforces do not like the leaders in authority, they won’t listen to anything that they have to say or follow their example. This follows hand in hand with their people desiring to “choose a leader with lots of prestige” (Adams, S., 2011). It is important for leaders to set an example. When employees choose a leader with prestige they are saying that they want to follow in prestigious footsteps. Leaders must be all these things because their workfor...

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...2011). For these goals and concept to become an experience of the group mindset, then “a program should be developed to achieve the goal” (Big Dog and Little Dog’s Juxtaposition, 2011). When there is a framework of development it’s easy for the goal or aspiration of a business to be attained. One way that this can be implemented is for tasks to be set for the individuals in the group. Tasks are important to keep everyone in the group motivated and on the right track.


Adams, S. (2011). Forbes. Retrieved from: http://www.forbes.com/sites/susanadams/2011/09/29/why-selfish-leaders-triumph/

Shafritz, J.M., Russell, E.W., & Borick C.P., (2011). Introducing Public Education (Seventh Edition).New York, NY: Pearson.

(2011) Big Dog and Little Dog’s Juxtaposition. Retrieved from: http://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/leader/leadled.html

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