Commodity And Commodity

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commodities like their value comes from the object and they do not see that human labor is what gives value to the commodities. Labor is a social form and the social character of workers’ labor becomes a social relation between products. Marx explained that a commodity was a mysterious thing because in it, “the social character of men’s labour appears to them as an objective character stamped upon the product of, that labour; because the relation of the producers to the sum total of their own labour is presented to them as a social relation, existing not between themselves but between the products of their labour,” ([1867] 2013: 48]. This means what is suppose to be social relations between people became economic, social relations between money and commodities. This occurred because the labor put into commodities was …show more content…

Marx noted that labor power becoming a commodity allowed capitalist to pay the exchange value of labor power but at a lesser value than what it produced. Proletariats had the option to sell their labor to the capitalist in return for a wage, which was believed to be calculated to provide workers with the full value of their labor. However, their labor was undervalued by capitalist in order to create surplus-value. Surplus-value was profit created by labor that was not paid to the laborer. Capitalists were then able to reinvest in production in hopes of increasing their profit and their power. This would have been alienation of the workers from their work because the capitalist market did not allow for workers to be paid the value of their labor, due to the employers’ motives being led by competition to create the most profit. Marx believed laborers did not have protection from exploitation and that the extraction of surplus-value from human labor was the root of class

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