Pros And Cons Of The Death Penalty

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Capital Punishment Controversy:
Death With Vindication?

Capital punishment is one of the most controversial ongoing debates in the United States. Also referred to as the “Death Penalty”, It is when someone commits or is accused of committing a rather heynis crime worthy of being considered capital or “extremely serious” (Webster’s Dictionary). Surprisingly, America is one of the only nations in the world using the death penalty for certain crimes and many see it as “barbaric” and “against American values”. Others see it as “a very important tool in fighting violent premeditated murder”.(Messerli). Regardless, After tedious research the answer seems clear. This essay aims to answer the question, “Should we abolish the death penalty?” and …show more content…

There are several documented cases much like those shown in the video, where DNA testing showed that innocent people were put to death (or in the process of being) by the government. We have a heavily flawed justice system where less fortunate defendants are given minimal to no legal attention by often lesser qualified individuals. (Capital Punishment Should Be Abolished) Some would blame the court system and government proceedings, not necessarily death penalty itself for this problem. However it has to be considered that mistakes can not be made and pride can not get in the way when someones life is being jeopardized. On the same point, is useless in the sense that it doesn 't “bring the victim back to life” so to speak (Capital Punishment) . This is probably one of the most important reasons to abolish the death penalty. “It can not change the fact that the victim is gone and will never come back.” (Capital Punishment) Hate, revenge, and anger will never cure the emptiness of a lost loved one. Forgiveness is the only way to start the healing process, and this won 't happen in a revenge-focused individual.

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