Analysis Of The Privatization Of Health Care Services

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Individuals experience varying access to health-care depending on their social location. “A lack of access is illustrated by a person who has had an unmet health-care need for which he or she felt he or she had needed, but had not received, a health-care service in the past year” (Ives, Denov, & Sussman, 2015, p. 170). Health-care access in Canada is often unequally distributed, leaving some individuals unable to secure sufficient assistance. Changes in health-care delivery in Canada have affected individuals’ access to services. Vulnerable groups such as low-income, rural, and immigrant families experience pronounced difficulty adjusting to Canada’s health-care system. Recently, Canada’s health-care delivery has undergone changes, affecting access to services. Although Canada’s public health-care system is universal, privatization of health-care services has increased in the past two decades (Ives et al., 2015, p. 150-151). Privatization is “a shift from the public sector to the private sector in the provision of health services, often with the assumption that the individual rather than the state must pay for these services” (Clarke, 2016, p. 413). The privatization and delisting of health services …show more content…

Individuals should feel comfort and familiarity while receiving care and should not hesitate to access services due to a fear of discrimination (Ives et al., 2015, p. 171). Health-care professionals must practice cultural competence and awareness, respecting client differences and diversities. This aids in eliminating the unwillingness of minority individuals to access medical care (Clarke, 2016, p. 130-131). Awareness of cultural diversity is important in Canada’s increasingly diverse population. Evidently, many vulnerable groups in society experience increased difficulty while attempting to access appropriate and sufficient health-care

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