Business Strategies

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Firstly, new technology beening a strong growing part of economics in recent years all around the world. Technology progress is the world economic development prime motors. The advance in technology not only naturally has provided the advantageous method for the transformation, also changed various countries' strength contrast. The government more value the important of new technology. Every new technology created a number of rich people. Those few people know what most of people don’t know, that’s why they can make money. A example for Bill Gates, he dropped out from Harvard Low School in his second year in university, went to a programming company. Used a computer language written programms, which was most of people didn't know how to use computer yet. After a few years, a personal computer system program created by Bill Gates and his partners. At the same time, personal computer more and more popular. Bill Gates’ system became a only option to personal computer. Then we all what happened next? Bill Gates become the richest man in the world and Microsoft company have the most percentage in software business. On the aother hand, Microsoft company is accused the monopoly behaviors. Because Microsoft didn’t open the original system code, leading to softwares from other companies can not be used in Windows unless paid considerable copyright fee to Microsoft company. This case ending with Microsoft open a part of code to other software companies and Microsoft divided two independent companies came into market. People can buy same softwares with lower price after that. Because Microsoft have the price competition with other companies in the market. To defend the market economy the fairness, openness, fairness. The government have to display the proper protection function. The protection enterprise fair competition and the fair transaction should be orderly. The monopoly price behavior causes the consumer faced with the loss. Secondly, what the role of technology in society? The new technology greatly has, profound, the comprehensive influence to the society development. “The science and technology seeped to social life each domain, for social economy and life by profound, omni-directional influence. Science's and technology's each important breakthrough produces the influence limits merely in no way in the industrial department. Develop the high tech and the industry already became a worldwide basis tidal current”(Neale, 2001). A new technology may completely change today's world, bring the unprecedented opportunity for the society, also new challenges. For example, most of mobile phone have photography function which means everybody can very easy take a photo in anywhere they want.

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