Business Analysis: Advantages and Disadvantages of Traditional and Agile Approach

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Traditional and Agile Approach Traditional approaches are less complicated to implement, permitting a token quantity of resources. In these approaches, output is generated for every stage, so it's highly visibility. Permitting the client and business analyst to gets a feel that there's substantial progress. Owing to visible outputs, every section of project management is less complicated at both the internal level and client's level. Deadlines may be set for the completion of every section and analysis may be done from time to time, to visualize if the project is going as per milestones. It provides a model into those strategies of research, design, coding, testing and maintenance may be placed. This approach is most popular when quality is additionally more vital as compared to schedule or value. Disadvantages of traditional approach Real approaches come seldom following the sequent flow; and iterations in these approaches are handled indirectly. These changes will cause confusion as the project continues. It’s typically troublesome to induce t...

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