Negative Essay: How Bullying Has Changed Over The Years

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Today a lot of children learn skills and lessons from school as well from the environment they are introduced in. Although school is a place to learn, there are some experience that children might go through, like bullying, and that can negatively impact the students for the rest of their life because they are influenced by it. However, bullying has changed a lot over the years. In the past bullying was seen as verbal and physical harassment and was easy to be controlled because it was a face-to-face interaction. Today, due to the advance of technology bullying has become more dangerous and harder to contain because of cellphones, social media cited, etc. This is known today as cyberbullying. Bullying has become a big problem mostly in schools. Bullying has changed from being verbal and physical to both cyberbullying and verbal and physical harassment. With the advance of technology over the years bullying has changed a lot. “Twenty years ago bullying was seen as verbal and physical harassment. Today with the advance of technology, internet accessibility, and lack of supervision, kids (mostly teens) are exposed to more channels to bully and to be bullied.” It seems that parents today are not aware of what their children is involved in, which shows how parents are not willing to take responsibility for their children’s action (Peagram). So unlike the …show more content…

It seems that today there is both bully vs bully and bully vs victim. As stated in the article by Peagram, “Also there is a rise in retaliation and revenge between students so it becomes more difficult to identify the victim and the bully.” this shows how a bully not only just pick on people who are “different” the bully can also pick on another bully maybe to show the people around them who has more power and to show who is more dominant. So sometimes both physical and verbal harassment can happen to both the

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