Persuasive Essay On Bullying

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"Pulling someone down will never help you reach the top." is a great quote that everyone should strive to remember. When setting new goals you want to achieve, you will notice others want a similar goal as you. Instead of worrying about them and trying to stop them from reaching their goals, work on yourself and do what you need to do to reach the top. Hurting someone and making them feel worthless will not make you a better person. When people do things to bring others down or intentionally try physically hurting them, is called bullying. Bullying is a serious issue that has big consequences.
We can all say we know what the definition of bullying is or can point it out when happening. Bullying is a behavior no one wishes to have and it happens to a person the bully does not like. It is not just a onetime thing, if bullied the victim is usually bullied more than once from the person (“A Definition of Bullying”). When a bully bullies they may not have a valid reason on why they are doing what they are doing. A bully is an attacker and will hurt …show more content…

Most of the time bullying starts at school, during or after school. It all somehow has a connection with school or maybe a hangout area (“Bullying Definition”). People think just because they do not actually see bullying that it probably does not happen in their area or is actually a big deal. Remember somewhere else where you may not go, that it is happening to someone. Different time, state, country, bullying is happening somewhere (“Bullying”). Having an audience behind the bully does not mean they are friends with them. People in the audience consist of two types of people, either they feed off of drama and negativity or two they want to help but do not know how to and just watch. Bullies feel encouraged when they have people behind them or some kind of attention, they think of it as support and it is okay for them to continue (“What to

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