The Issues with Bullying

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Bullying; when a person is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons, and he or she has difficulty defending him or herself (OWLEUS, Paragraph 1). This topic is one that’s received extremes on both sides of its awareness, with some people thinking immediate harsh action needs to be taken, while others claim it’s just a kid game. Bullying is in no way a fun game that kids play among themselves; it is a very serious form of abuse that can lead children to skip school, drink alcohol, smoke, dropout, lead violent futures, and vandalize properties (HRSA, Page 3). As someone who used to bully other students in elementary school, I can understand the thirst for power brought on by feeling superior to another person, but I was blind to the damage I could have caused if I was extreme, cruel, or even educated at the time. Bullying is ironically not prejudiced as it affects anyone that can be made into a target, and with the expansion of technology, new methods of bullying are becoming legitimate sources of grief. (Meech, Paragraph 4). Bullying is a problem, hands down, but how a community should handle the abusers and the abused is wherein the problem lies.

When debating bullying, a general community would all agree that measures should be taken to stop the abuse (Berezdivin). The true issue spawns from how far people think these measures should go into the lives of others. Part of the problem with taking bullying seriously is that ridicule and intimidation have become acceptable in a culture such as America (Smith-Heavenrich, Paragraph 5). Over 160,000 children skip school every day because of bullying, and 3 million incidents of actual bullying are reported every year in the US ...

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