The Pros And Cons Of Cyberbullying

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Evidence has been gathered that proves harassment and bullying is a problem at Madera High. Staff members said that there are procedures to be taken when bullying or harassment is happening outside of school. The type of bullying that most commonly happens outside of school is cyberbullying where a very large amount of students said that they have done over social media. They claimed it to be necessary or just plain fun. In most cases the cyberbullying is targeted at someone due to stereotypes, appearance, rumors or personality. Students that were a victim of this bullying stated they were not comfortable expressing their situation to the staff in our school. In cyberbullying cases the school should be taking full control of everything that’s going on, but most of the time the only people that will know are the students. Over half of the students that took the survey said they witnessed bullying online but did nothing because they didn’t want to be involved in the drama. In the survey Dominic Chavira said “Yes, I have witnessed cyberbullying before but I didn’t do anything because I didn’t want to get involved.” If all students on our …show more content…

To students that have been involved in cyber harassment someone’s advice was to “Think before you post, respond, or share. Ask yourself if you or someone else could get hurt or even if you would want it aimed @ you.” Administration say that there are steps students can take with administration to avoid being cyber harassed or bullied. Most staff members said that the school is five to eight out of ten on how well they handle bullying. Due to Madera high not being the greatest at handling bullying and harassment the climate isn’t that great either. The climate could easily be fixed and made better if everyone of the staff members knew how to handle it. In some of their opinions physical, verbal, and cyber bullying happens seven out of ten

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