Sigmund Freud And Child Development Case Study

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Developmental Profile #1 1. Bronfenbrenner developed the ecological system theory to show us how in a child’s surroundings it affects how the child grows and develops. Tells us how if a child is encouraged to eat healthy and have great nutrition the better off the child will be and will be able to grow up to be healthy. Every child has a special genetic and biologically influenced personality. Piaget is a biologist that study’s the development of children’s understanding. His idea plus thought was to try and understand their world. He clams the thinking of children and how it does not develop smoothly; instead it moves into completely brand new areas and capabilities. Freud was a Viennese doctor who believed that a …show more content…

This is the most dramatic stage. It is were the embryo becomes a fetus and is about 3 centimeters in length from crown to rump. The time the fetus is thought to be full-term at 38 weeks, he or she may be 50 centimeters. Informed to us in the article Child & Adolescent Development: Overview Sigmund Freud and Child Development. “Week 9-12 the fetus reaches 8 cm; Week 13-15 the fetus reaches 15cm; Week 16-20 the fetus reaches 20cm; Week 21-24 the fetus reaches 28.5cm; Week 25-28 the fetus reaches 38cm; Week 29-32 the fetus reaches 28-43cm; Week 33-36 the fetus reaches 41-48cm; And week 36-38 the fetus reaches …show more content…

These include the sensorimotor stage that says the time in between birth and age; two during an infant’s information of the world is limited and there sensory perceptions and motor activities. The second is Preoperational stage which is a period between ages two and six when a child learns to use language and talk. They do not understand what there saying but they have the concept. The third is the concrete operational stage, which includes the age between seven and eleven during which children gain a better grasp of mental operations. The forth is the formal operational stage which incorporates the period between age twelve to adulthood, when people develop the ability to think about abstract concepts. Language development is suggested that a child is more sensitive to language at particular points in development. Stated to us in the article Child & Adolescent Development: Overview Sigmund Freud and Child Development; “If language is not learned during these important points then it’s harder for the child to develop language easy. It is described to be higher-pitched and more shortened vocabulary. This can help the child understand words better. For example, “Lets go home.” Children’s languages consist of babbling, single words, two words, and multi-word sentences. It all depends on how you talk to

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