Britain and France's Efforts to Prevent the Second World War

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In the interwar period, Britain and France alike other nations, feared another war. Public opinion was widespread in that war should and could be avoided through negotiation and disarmament. Britain and France had disarmed considerably since the First World War, whereas, Germany would come to remilitarise flouting the Treaty of Versailles. Morally, the majority of the public and policy makers believed in the notion of self-determination of foreign nations and for Britain in particular some hoped for a much larger defensive stance based on a more isolationist scope outside of European affairs. Leading up until the invasion of Poland 1939, no policy leader, although France had a better idea than Britain, knew what Hitler’s objectives were and perceived that once Germany had reclaimed what it had lost under the Treaty of Versailles, Germany would end its annexation, it was not understand in the lead up years that Germany desired to dominate Europe. Morality played a significant part in the adoption of appeasement in 1938. Although the Treaty of Versailles was at first seen as just, at a later date many in Britain perceived the treaty as immoral and as a way for France to cripple Germany. Not only did this create Franco phobia in Britain but it also created a pro-German stance across Britain for instance religious groups at first saw the treaty as fair but ultimately saw it as unchristian. Therefore, not only did it lessen the ties between Britain and France on a moral standing but it also allowed Britain to rationalise that the fascist Germany was only trying to regain what was lost in the treaty and at the same time safeguard themselves against economic depressions. The moral viewpoint then was further amplified by the belief at th... ... middle of paper ... ...y for Britain and France meant that appeasement was a much safer policy. The League of Nations could not be properly enforced without a strong military country such as Russia or America thus sinking Britain and France into appeasement. Moreover, the allies saw the fascist Germany as a deterrent to communism in Russia and debatably had hoped that Russia and Germany would fight each other. In this sense it made more sense for Britain and France to appease and wait for Russia and Germany to destroy each other and keep unscathed. Additionally, Britain was encompassing a stable economy whereby there was less than 5% unemployment and a housing boom. It was thought that war expenditure needed to bring in conscription would destabilise the economy. Britain had an outdated military and not nearly enough strength or men to realistically engage in warfare into at least 1939.

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