Emotions In Brave New World

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Brave New World is a magnificent piece of literature that has surpassed all expectations that are valued in a book. Huxley’s novel is a book to praise due to its ruminating themes, evocative characters, and intellectually stimulating overall feel of the novel.
Brave New World combines a myriad number of themes together to form a rather deep, shocking, and perplexing novel. Throughout the novel, the reader is presented with unbelievable concepts and ways of life. Brave New World warns the readers about how giving the government too much power can go awry and ultimately change everyone for the worse. This theme is prevalent throughout the novel and adds a sense of shock to readers. Huxley coherently demonstrates the State’s abuse of power when he …show more content…

Without emotions, we would be robots. We would not feel love, anger, or pain. Emotions are the quality that separates us from any other species and creations. In Brave New World, the World State does not allow emotions and even deceives people into believing they have emotions. "And that," put in the Director sententiously, "that is the secret of happiness and virtue – liking what you 've got to do. All conditioning aims at that: making people like their inescapable social destiny". (Huxley 16) The World State deceives people into thinking they are happy, when in reality they are just obeying commands. The World State fears that emotions will someday cause an uprising because of the strong powers that are associated with them. This is one of the reasons why humans do not feel love anymore. They are conditioned to be sexually active at a young age and therefore do not feel the importance of love. They tremble at the word “mother” and “father”. They were raised genetically and therefore do not share a mother of fathers love. Emotions are all controlled by the dystopian government. The State takes away essential human traits, which results in loss of human

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