Book Summary

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Addy is a nine year old girl who lives with her Momma, Pappa, Sam her 15 year old brother and her one year old sister Ester. Addy and her family are slaves who work for Master Stevens. One night on a summer night sleep Addy heard her parents talking about running away. Pappa wanted Addy to be free. He is sick and tired of seeing his children work so hard. They were talking about how they have to take a chance. Pappa did not want to wait till the war was over. He wanted to be free, and to be able to run free and feel freedom. They were talking about that day when Sam tried to run away. That was about Last year right near when Ester was born. He tried to escape to freedom. But Master Stevens caught him and he got wiped.

Mamma Pappa and Addy sat and watched him get wiped. Addy was crying and could not figure out why her parents were not crying. She was saying they don't care about Sam. But Pappa stopped Addy from crying and told her that the do care about Sam they are hurting on the inside. When they wiped Sam his back was all covered in blood. Then his parents took care of his back. They were suppose to follow the train tracks and when the two train tracks cross that were they find a white women house her name was Mrs.Caroline, she will help them. That night Addy knew she just heard a very important secret and was to keep it to her self.

It was early in the morning when Addy had to do her jobs and chores. Her job was to work in the tobacco field and pull all the worms off the leaf. For one thing the worms were big as her thumb finger. She had to ether kill them her bare feet or hands. She was thinking about what her family would do if they were free. She thought about her clothes being as beautiful dresses, Pappa being paid so much for work, him buying so much food that they wil never ever go hungry. Addy started her next job to go and bring some water to the people working I the fields. She brought some water to Sam, usually Sam will have a riddle for her. Then Addy went to the kitchen to help Aunt Lula cook and serve Master Stevens.

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