Body Fossils Essay

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Fossils can be divided into two categories, body fossils and trace fossils. Body fossils encompass preserved remains of an organism, such as bones, claws, teeth, skin, embryos, muscles, tendons, organs, and blood vessels (Col). Trace fossils are the indirect signs of life that give evidence of the organism’s presence, such as track ways, teeth marks, gizzard rocks, coprolites, burrows, and nests, which leave an impression behind after moving over a surface of soft sediment (Col). These fossil categories can then be broken down into the type of fossil found in the context of fossilization processes. Dinosaur body fossils can be broken down into replacement, permineralization, molds and casts, and chemical fossils. Replacement fossils take place …show more content…

When this process does not happen slowly, the original hard parts often lose all trace of their original structure, leaving the original shape, but no detail (Virtual). Permineralization is the most common form of fossilization of dinosaur skeletons. It occurs when the ground water carrying dissolved minerals permeates the pores and cavities in bone, wood, or shell (K). The minerals then produce stony fossils that still contain most of their original solid material. Bones, teeth, and marine organisms are preserved this way. Not only does this type of fossilization occur in hard tissues but also in soft tissues, which allows the internal structures of an organism to be known. Molds and casts are types of fossilization where the physical characteristics of organisms are impressed onto rocks, especially sandstones (K). The fossilization process begins when an organism lies in the sediment until the surrounding sediment becomes firm. These organisms usually have body parts that are composed of substances, which are carbonated water soluble, which leads to entrapment in coarse and porous rock, such as …show more content…

Chemical fossils are organically derived compounds formed by living creatures that occur in rocks. Usually there are no traces of the organism left behind. Large organic molecules do not survive long after an organism’s death, but those molecules may break down into smaller stable molecules, which can survive over long geological time (Virtual). Chemical fossils are probably most significant in there use as early evidence of life. Bone fossils can tell us a great deal about the external and internal anatomy of a dinosaur. For instance, where muscle attaches to the bone leaves marks that can indicate size, shape, and functions of various organs (K). In addition, the cavities and skulls can give us an idea about their intelligence, behavior, and principle features. Certain fossils can also tell us about growth, injury, disease, form, function, activities, and instincts (K). Along with bone fossils, trace fossils can tell us information about the dinosaurs. We can learn the speed and strength of strides, whether they walked on two or four legs, and the bone structure of the foot (Col). In addition, we can learn stalking behavior, and the existence of dinosaur herds and

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