Bloodstain Pattern Analysis

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Bloodstain pattern analysis is a forensic discipline that deals with the physics of the blood, and determines the bloodstains left at crime scenes using visual pattern recognition. It is used to shed light on the reconstruction of a crime scene which includes the cause of death starting with homicide, suicide, accident, and identifying areas with high possibility of the offender leaving his or her DNA samples. There are documented descriptions of bloodstain shapes at crime scenes that date back to past centuries, but it was the Samuel Sheppard case in 1955, that prompted advances in this field. Blood­stain pattern analysis is employed worldwide by scientists, police officials and medics in an interdisciplinary manner. Both the blood itself and the surfaces on which the bloodstains are found are important in the assessment of bloodstains. The umbrella organization for bloodstain pattern analysts is the International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts (IABPA), which offers various forms of membership. The name of the method (bloodstain pattern analysis) is often abbreviated to BPA.
In order in to understand bloodstain pattern analysis, we must explore the origin of the process. The history of bloodstain pattern analysis has been linked to the modern age and we also know that there have been reports of individual cases and descriptions of individual bloodstain. In 1895, Eduard Piotriwski, from the University of Vienna where he published and was the first to organized a study of blood stain pattern “On the formation, form, direction and spreading of blood stains resulting from blunt trauma at the head” According to researchers and documents, Piotriwski’s processed included covering the corner of a room with sheets of...

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...oodstained, unless there are other reasons for bloodstains. The same applies to the reverse situation if the action occurs at a point below the seat base. In this case, the upper surface of the seat base itself will not be bloodstained.
It is also possible to calculate the area of origin of spatters three-dimensionally in the given space. This is dependent on the phase of flight that the blood drops are in. The shape of droplets depends on their angle of impact on a surface. Pictures that show different shapes in the case of different angles oversimplify this question. The difficulty lies not in the mathematical calculation itself, which is a case of trigonometric relationships, but in the selection of which droplets to consider and the differential diagnosis of whether the spatter is calculable or not. Novices in the discipline often make mistakes in this respect.

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