The Bliss of Hell on Earth

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Head in the toilet, Bliss stuck her fingers deep down her throat. She felt her knuckles touch the back of her throat. She felt herself gag, and up came ice cream, cookies and the rest of her dessert. Throwing her body back, she wiped her mouth off. Her eyes spilled with wet pain. Her throat burned from the acid. Her body shook. Bliss could hear the distant voices through the walls. The room felt dark and small. Pushing her body off the ground, Bliss’s face continued to drip. She caught a glimpse of her boney figure. She grabbed her stomach skin. Fat. She looked at her chest. Flat. She looked into the weeping eyes of the beast. Ugly. She took one finally look at the girl in the mirror. Obese loser. Avoiding eye contact with the girl in the mirror, Bliss washed out her mouth. She couldn’t look at herself knowing she hated that girl in the mirror. That she thought that girl was unwanted and unappreciated. That she wanted the girl in the mirror dead. She walks to her bedroom. Like the rest of the house, the room is sleeping. The radio lies in a low whisper....

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