Water Waste: A Cultural Issue in America

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The blame for Americans naturally waste fresh water every day is not an individual 's fault, but the fault of a culture, those before us, and the American society. Americans are not taught by society to save water, but are only taught by parents to save fresh water. Since most Americans are comfortable with the fixtures and appliances that they grew up with, they blindly use them without the understanding of the fresh water that is wastefully used. It is not the fault of Americans that buy the cheapest appliances, which often use more water than needed, that fresh water is being wasted every day. Americans have much to learn about how to save fresh water and how to teach others the importance of saving fresh water in homes across the country. …show more content…

Finding uses for every part of an animal, finding ways for that dollar to stretch a little farther, and recycling all have the same idea of sustainability behind them. In an article, Why conserve water, they challenge Americans to be more water conservation in the home. Water sustainability in the home is not how much water is being used but how much water is being wasted within a home. The problem with fixtures and appliances in the home is that they waste great amounts of unnecessary fresh water, and that by replacing them with low-flowing fixtures and appliances the household will maintain the same standard of living, and making use of graywater will save money and thousands of gallons of fresh water a …show more content…

First it explains that water conservation can be found in common activities in the home like doing the dishes, laundry, showering, brushing teeth, and watering the lawn. Then it explores the amount of fresh water that can be saved each year by using low-flowing fixtures and appliances in the home. It then identifies that every household has the responsibility to save fresh water and if done by every household in America, gallons of fresh water and money can be saved to help everyone each year. They are many ways to start saving water, and no matter what society may say, each individual has the responsibility to start saving fresh water today. Saving water is simple, from fixing leaks to installing low-flow water units on all household appliances. Remember, every time the shower is used, the dishes are done, the lawn is watered, or the laundry is done all could have been done using less fresh

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