Black Women Stereotypes

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“Portraying African-American women as stereotypical mammies, matriarchs, welfare recipients, and hot mommas helps justify U.S. black women’s oppression” (Patricia Hill Collins, Feminist Thought Sister Citizen 51). In early American history, racial stereotypes played a significant role in shaping the attitude African Americans. Stereotypes such a mammy, jezebel, sapphire and Aunt Jemimah were used to characterize African American women. Mammy was a black masculine nursemaid who was in charge of the white children. The stereotype jezebel, is a woman who wants sex all the time. White Americans saw black women as loose, oversexed and immoral. This stereotype still lives today because men especially whites look for black women to be their prostitutes. …show more content…

The media portrayed African American as “the angry black women”. “And who are the black women you see on the local news at night in the cities all over the country. They are usually mad about something” (Melissa v. Harris Perry 87). The media has stereotyped black women as loud, argumentative, irrationally angry and verbally abusive. These women are only standing up for their equal rights and in result they are classified as angry, because they make themselves heard or stand up for what is right. We are seen as angry because they think their actions are good and we should be fine with it. African American women weren’t having it and the media would say what they wanted good or bad. Employment for African American women was skewed because they were women and they were said to not be as strong as men. Women weren’t allowed to get an education because “it wasn’t needed or women are supposed to stay at home and cook and clean”. Black women didn’t receive the right health care they needed because of their skin tone and most of them died in result of them becoming too ill. Women fought profusely for equal rights in politics. “Black women are the leaders behind some of the most prominent racial justice movements of our time” (Black Women in

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