The Hate Group: Black Lives Matter: The Hate Group

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Black lives matter: The hate Group
For the past 400 year African Americans have suffered severe forms of oppression, hatred and racism. Even though America has made great strides to eliminate the practice of hatful ideologies and discrimination the residue of inhuman treatment still resides in our society. Racial violence and institutional racism is still in full effect and receiving media coverage like never before. Controversy has arisen due to lives of many African Americans being taken by law enforcement. The African American community has been in an uproar as they feel injustice has occurred being that many of those law enforcement officers have been acquitted of all charges. Birthed from this pain was a chapter-based national organization …show more content…

Taking anyone’s life specifically for this case black lives is wrong. There are black people who are subject to racism and also there are black people who are subject to black on black crime. The way to combat the two different issues is with different approaches. If we want to see a decrees in black on black crimes then we have to reach out to black people specifically …show more content…

The American national election studies reported in 1964 of what Americans thought about the Civil Rights Movement. They believe that it was being pushed too fast, and that most black people are violent and are the cause to their own problem. It’s not black people having a sense of entitlement or them playing victim
How racism should be combatted. Is BLM living up to those standards? Black lives matter does not have a martin Luther King or A Malcolm X. In the 20th century Civil rights movement religious leaders played a heavy role in the fight for justice.
Would the backlash of the killing of different African Americans been as strong if not for BLM. Would not the civil right movement have been as abrupt if not for The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), or the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) and many other civil rights organization? Many years ago the KKK was labeled a Hate group for obvious reasons. Lately a new group, Black Lives Matter have emerged in our society creating the same threat and domestic terrorism as the KKK. -Michael Hamilton of Denver,

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