The Black Death

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The nursery rhyme “ Ring Around The Rosy” is more than a popular song little children sing while holding hands, walking around in a circle and then falling down. The nursery rhyme refers to the Black Death, one of the worst plagues of all time (Schladweller). Known as infectious diseases that spread quickly and kill countless people, plagues have had a tremendous affect on people around the world since the beginning of time. The Black Death, also known as the bubonic plague, is a contagious bacterial infection that has killed millions of people. With the bubonic plague brutally killing one fourth of Europe in the 14th century and devastating China in the 18th century (Link), it is noted in history books as the worst plague of all times. The Black Death
The Black Death is said to have originated from many different places. Some sources say Egypt (Walker), while others argue Central Asia (Ibeji). Although the origin is uncertain, it is certain that the bacteria Yersinia pestis caused the plague (Plague-Bubonic plague). Alexander Yersin discovered the bacteria in 1894 while researching an epidemic in China. However, Yersinia pestis had already begun to affect people soon before he identified it, with the earliest case being in the 6th century (Tucker). The bacteria produces three forms of the Black plague: septicemic, pneumonic and bubonic. The septicemic plague is when the bacteria multiply in the blood stream, which causes stomach pain, fever and bleeding beneath the skin. The pneumonic plague occurs when the bacteria affect the lungs and causes people to get pneumonia. Of the three forms, the pneumonic is the most dangerous (Plague- Bubonic plague). The most common form of the disease, bubonic, is diagnosed by the swollen lymph ...

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Tucker, Brandon. Yersnia Pestis. Missouri University of Science and Technology. n.d. Digital file. 23 Nov 2013.
Walker, Cameron. “Bubonic Plague Traced To Egypt”. National Geographic News. National Geographic Society, 10 March 2004. Web. 23 Nov 2013.
Whipps, Heather. “ How the Black Death Changed the World”. Livescience. Tech Media Network. 28 Apr 2008. Web. 23 Nov 2013.

Work Considered
Benedictow, Ole Jergen. The Black Death, 1346-1353: The Complete History. Ole J. Benedictow 2004. Print. 15 Nov 2013.
N.a.” The Black Death”. & The Destiny Foundation. N.d. Web. 20 Nov 2013.
N.a. “In the Wake of the Black Death”. The History Guide. Steven Kreis. 11 Oct 2006. Web. 20 Nov 2013.
N.a. “ Plague”. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 19 Aug 2008. Web. 20 Nov 2013.

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