The Four Factors Of The Four Dimensions Of Drug Use

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The four principle factors that determine how a drug user experiences their use are Biological, genetic, and pharmacology factors, cultural factors, social factors, and contextual factors. Biological, genetic, and pharmacology factors the substance abuse and addiction involve Biological and genetic factors. The pharmacology focuses on how the ingredients of a drug affect the body and the nervous system. The cultural factors os the society’s view of drugs. It is determined by custom and traditions. The social factors is the motivation of taking a particular drug. It might influence a persons experience if a person needs to diminish physical pain, relieve stress or anxiety, or trying to escape reality. Contextual factors is when specific context define and determine personal dispositions. It might influence a person experience because a person might feel more at ease doing drugs fraternity party or around drug using friends because it seems more acceptable. Hanson, Glen, Peter J. Venturelli, and Annette E. Fleckenstein. ("Dimensions of Drug Use." Drugs and Society. Boston: Jones and Bartlett, 2001. 5. Print.) Canada make cannabis and …show more content…

Relief phase is when a potential addict what to escape loneliness, anger, or boredom. The increased use phase is when the addict takes greater quantities of the drug. the preoccupation phase is the consistent interest of the drug and always having a supply of the drug. The dependency phase is synonymous with addiction. More drugs are sought without regard for the negative physical symptoms. The withdrawal phase is there physical or psychological effects derived from not having the drug. Withdrawal includes aching, chills, and/or depression from not using the addictive drug. Hanson, Glen, Peter J. Venturelli, and Annette E. Fleckenstein. “The Cost of Drug Use to Society" Drugs and Society. Boston: Jones and Bartlett, 2001. 106-07.

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