Petra Vela As A True Leader

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Petra Vela was born in Mexico and gets her last name from her second husband Capt. M Kennedy (Anna Crimm, Tejano Epico). Dr. Crimm describes Petra Vela as a woman of superior accomplishment. Her compassion to poor-needy and unbounded charity, as described by Thomas Cronin is one of the key characters of a true leader. Dr. Cronin mentions that a leader needs to have stability in their relationship, able to gain control of their personal life. If we backtrack to Petra V Kennedy 's personal life, she had a well-fitted personal relationship. She was a devoted wife and a loving mother. While her husband 's Mifflin was a Quaker, Petra never lost her heritage and culture. As a Catholic woman, she had her husband accept her religion. Mifflin Kennedy was a captain of his ship transporting good of the troops in Florida. He, like a true leader saw an opportunity of the growing trade in Gulf of Mexico. Keenly aware of the war of Mexico, he joined his forces with his fellow ship 's captain, he invested in a fleet of shallow-draft boats (Petra Vela and the Kennedy family legacy). Creativity and entrepreneurship, another quality of a successful
Like a true leader, every city she lived, she thought about the community, people in it. A true leader makes a society sustainable and Petra 's decision on donations and building church just made the society more sustainable. She donated three bells for the Church 's tower and also contributed towards new Church (TSHA). Had it not been for her "thrifty Yankee" would not have given any support or money for the establishment of the Church. It took a tremendous effort on Petra 's side to survive her journey to be the grande-dame of Corpus Christi. Her dedication, willingness to nurture the society , knowledge of self capability were a few of many leadership quality that Petra

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