Biography Of Johann Sebastian Bach

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Composer and Artist Paper Born on March 21, 1685, Johann Sebastian Bach was raised with a family who were all musicians and who were all active as performing artists, composers and teachers. (Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of Musicians,161) Bach attended a Latin school which is located in a town called Eisenach. Apparently Bach was a great student based on his skill in the Latin language.(Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, 161). Unfortunately, his mother passed away in 1694. His father remarried and died soon afterward. (Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of Musicians,161).On October 17, 1707, he married his cousin Maria Barbara Bach, who was the daughter of Johann Michael Bach. Bach’s wife didn’t stay with him for long. Maria Barbara Bach was ill and died. She was buried on July 7, 1720, leaving Bach to take care of their seven children. (Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, 163) On December 3, 1721, Bach married his second wife, Anna Magdalena Wilcken, a daughter of a court trumpeter at Weissenfels. (Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of Musicians,163) Bach and An...

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