Exploring Personality, Values, and Job Satisfaction

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- Personality Insights. Per the Big Five model of personality, my highest score is a 9 on the Openness to experience. I am in the range from 7 to 11 which indicates I am at a moderate level of having an imaginative, an artistically sensitive, and intellectual thinking. This score is also a good predictor of my ability to achieve significant benefits from training efforts. - Values and Attitude Insights. My score in this module is 27 within a range from 10 to 60. The higher my score, the more involved I am in my job. High job involvement could be a two-edge sword because I will not have time for my personal leisure as in my balanced personal life. Based on job satisfaction’s score, I have a 78 which is a good indication of my job satisfaction within my job environment, my supervisor, and my colleagues. The result on my attitude toward workplace is 6 within a range of score from +35 to -35. The score of 6 …show more content…

“Am I a procrastinator?” Procrastinator is a person who has a tendency to postpone, delay, or avoid performing tasks or making decisions. The score is ranged from 0 to 52. The higher the score, the more a person are prone to procrastinate. Scores of 13 or less suggest that I don’t delay decisions or life activities. - Decision Marking Insights. My emotional intelligence’s score is 38. Emotional intelligence is a number of skills and competencies that could influence a person’s ability in coping with pressures and different demands of the environments. The score is from 10 to 50. My number of 36 indicates that I have a moderate level of handling pressure and environmental demands. - Other. “How good am I at personal planning?” My score for this model is a 4 which indicates that I am proactive rather than reactive. I set aside enough time and resources to study and complete project. I have thought through what I want to do in school. I have a plan for completing my major. And finally, my goals for the future re

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