Big Data

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As big data grows, personal privacy shrinks. That simple relationship is actually the basis for a very complex discussion. For the past several years the personal data available through the internet and other electronic has exploded. This combined with daily threats of global terrorism creates a society where the limits of personal freedoms, liberties, and privacy are constantly debated. Add to that the amount of personal information the average person willingly shares through sites like Facebook, Twitter and local store discount cards, and many believe that personal privacy is a completely dead concept.1 The benefits of collecting “big data” are well documented. Big data helps in the discovery of medical cures and capture of global terrorists. It allows marketing companies track consumer trends and politicians measure policy ideas.2 These benefits will only increase over the next few years as more and more personal data is collected. However this also means our personal privacy will continue to disappear at an alarming rate. As the debate continues, many important questions need to be answered. What are the political and constitutional issues related to the collection of big data? Is the average American concerned or even aware of this issue? What, if anything can be done to control the collection of personal data? While personal privacy may be a thing of the past, moving forward it is important that society recognizes the constant collection of information threatens individual privacy and civil liberties and new laws are needed to control it.
The collection and use of big data is a very large political and constitutional issue. When discussing privacy rights it is important to understand what is written in the U.S. ...

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...just because it may be difficult does not mean it should not be tried. There is not one simple solution to the problem of big data and personal privacy but rather a combination of actions. First, the American consumer needs to be more vigilant and aware of the information they willingly give up on the internet.12 One of the best ways to control the unwanted flow of information is not to release it in the first place. The second is to enforce the laws that already exist.13 If an internet company violates their privacy policy they should be punished. Finally new laws need to be written that recognize the changing world we live in today.14 For big data and the concept of personal privacy to co-exist, these steps are crucial. In this way the hope is that while big data’s use of personal information will never be stopped, it can be somewhat controlled and regulated.

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