The Bible? What Is The Importance To The Christian Bible Overview

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The Bible Overview
What is the bible? What is the importance to the Christian Worldview? The bible is the oldest book found, the most printed book, and the book of the bible does not use its own name anywhere in the book itself (Clausen Books). The Holy Bible has 66 chapters which are separated into two sections. There is the Old Testament which is pre Jesus Christ. There is also the New Testament which is from Jesus to the prophesied end of the world. This book is used by Christians as a guidebook of life. In this paper there are multiple topics covered within the bible, with the most important being God the creator, humanity that progressed from creation, Jesus the son of God, restoration with God; there is the time to analyze the bible and …show more content…

There is the 18 years that I was not a Christian and then the other 18 years that I have been a Christian. Since I was a child I do not have a full perspective on the first 18 years, but the teen years are very clear to me. In my teen years I watched all of my grandparents and my father die. I also watched my mother go deeper into her mental psychosis. These events were paramount in making me bitter and mean towards others. I had a great mentor that talked me into counseling, which is where I became saved. My life took a dramatic turn that day that I became saved and gained a new perspective on life. This was not the one defining moment in my life, but it was one of the two most impactful. Becoming a Christian has allowed me to become a person that strives to be more Christ like each day. I live out my days on this earth serving others through my actions without expecting any return from them. This allows for me to see others perspectives, understand their struggles and for me to reach out in a Christian manner. Once I have reached out in a Christian manner without judgement, this allows them to see what Christianity can be. This move has allowed me to be a factor in others becoming Christians …show more content…

“The story of the Bible unfolds in four acts: creation, fall, redemption, and restoration.”(Diffey 2014). The bible starts with God as the creator of the earth, how humanity developed from the original sin, the birth and life of Jesus, the death of Jesus that led to restoration of mankind with God, this leads to humanity analyzing the bible, which then leads to personal reflection on belief. Someone who wants to become a Christian will need to follow what is told in 1 John 5. This verse tells that someone who wants to be a Christian needs to accept the testimony of God by believing in the Son of God and that man will have eternal life. The person will then need to repent for their sins and be baptized as Jesus was. This will restore a person with God and give them eternal life, which begins here on earth (Lamca 2014). If eternal life begins here on earth it just makes heaven more

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