Laïcité In La Culte

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Laïcité follows a separationist narrative where it requires religion to be separated out of politics entirety and aspires to create a 'neutral ' public space free of religion. "Laicism seeks to confine religious belief and practice to a space where they cannot threaten political stability or the liberties of free thinking citizens”. This neutral public space is necessary to limit religious disputes in public life. "Public" applies to the public service and governance, public social space and public interest.

Laïcité is the theory behind the relationship between the state and religion in France. Religion is the relationship between the individual and God, organised religion (le culte) is the outward expression of this relationship. Laïcité limits organized religion to “its mass; its buildings and its teachings”. Religious expression is to be orderly and contained in the private realm, it is not to stray into the public and proselytize. (18 Bowen)

Laïcité in France stems from the republicanism view that living together in society requires an agreement on a set of core values (11 Bowen). In order to learn the common …show more content…

A public space that is devoid of any particular religious expression, is neutral in that nothing other than fundamental basic morality can be expressed. It is the absence of religion, and the particular teachings and doctrines, that highlights a universal morality that can be considered neutral for the fact that it is common across all religions, for it is common across humanity. This is an emphasis on a logic, reason and basic human

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