Key Theme Of Betrayal In 1984 By George Orwell

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Betrayal is a key theme that runs throughout the book 1984 written by George Orwell. Winston Smith, the protagonist, is faced with betrayal by many characters including himself by the end of the book. The setting of the book, Oceania, is a country governed by Big Brother and the Party. Big Brother encourages betrayal as it allows those who are closest to the rebels to disclose their disloyalty before it becomes a bigger threat to the Party. The people of Oceania have been brainwashed and have put loyalty to the Party over loyalty to friends and family. Betrayal from family members is best demonstrated through the Parson’s family. When Winston sees Parsons in the Ministry of Love he asks what happened and Parsons responds with “It was my little girl, Julia had betrayed the Party before she met Winston by being a member of the Junior Anti-Sex League but having sex whenever she pleased. After they found out that Mr. Charrington betrayed them, Julia and Winston promised to each other that they would not betray each other no matter what happened. When Winston asked about Julia during his torturing O’Brien said “ She betrayed you, Winston. Immediately--unreservedly. I have seldom seen anyone come over to us so promptly. You would hardly recognize her if you saw her. All her rebelliousness, her deceit, her folly, her dirty-mindedness--everything has been burned out of her. It was a perfect conversion, a textbook case. (Orwell, 214)” Julia broke her promise to Winston and gave up on him before she had even gone through half the torturing he did. After Winston and Julia both got out of Ministry of Love they ran into each other and discovered that neither of them still loved each other which proved that Julia truly did betray Winston because she said “Confession is not betrayal. What you say or do doesn’t matter: only feelings matter. If they could make me stop loving you- that would be the real betrayal” (Orwell

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