Best Buy SWOT Analysis Essay

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Best Buy SWOT Analysis
Leading the industry in a particular field relies on a strategic approach to marketing by analyzing competitors’ successes, challenges, or failures establish a baseline for success. Analyses of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) allow companies to identify areas of accomplishment or those in need of improvement. As Ferrell and Hartline (2014) assert, a situational analysis must account for current and future situations or the information gathered for the analysis is unsound and useless for strategic planning. Electronics retailer Best Buy has diversified and invested in weaknesses to produce an overall strong presence in the industry. Best Buy offers newly released electronic products to consumers, …show more content…

This opportunity was later copied by larger retailers such as Costco and Walmart and perceived as a weakness, as sales attributed to this marketing strategy did not increase (Harrington, 2016). A strategic focus on physical brick-and-mortar locations sidestepped corporate bankruptcy, but the high cost of many of the company’s retail locations have kept profit margins low. Additionally, with the high cost of luxury items, increased online sales marketing would help move product to increase sales, as these items are the first to decrease in the event of a failing economy. These weaknesses remain due to lack of change within the internal operations of strategic …show more content…

Best Buy has had a history of financial fluctuations regarding site-specific retail performance. However, according to Bailey (2016), Best Buy has a debt to equity ratio within a healthy range since its closures of international locations. Often, retail companies have continual opportunities associated with sales, meaning an ongoing marketing endeavor continues to take advantage of the opportunities as they present (Tsirulnik, 2016). Lastly, Best Buy has taken advantage of opportunities to increase awareness of cutting edge electronics offered on the company’s retail website and in stores. As Bailey (2016) indicates, the company has moved into the hottest markets of HD televisions and fitness tracking devices as a way remain relevant in the market. This approach has remained for the past several years, as shown in a popular television advertisement (Balbuena, 2012, October 24). Lastly, the company offers a trade-in program for consumers who wish to upgrade, taking advantage of customers who need to be technologically up to

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