Christianity In Beowulf

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In England’s history, the country has had many different cultures come and go as the main population of the land. First there was the pagan population consisting of many barbaric groups like the Anglo Saxons whose way of life consisted of pillaging, brotherhood, and materialism. However, the Romans soon conquered the lands, bringing their own Christian religion. This changed the landscape of the country entirely, as Christianity preached peace, God, and righteousness. Beowulf was written by a Christian monk in an attempt to convert the previous Pagan population to the increasingly popular Christianity. As a result, Beowulf tracks the transition of the aging Anglo Saxon way of life to the new and improved way of life with Christianity. The author …show more content…

The eponymous of the poem, Beowulf, is the greatest warrior of his time, yet he cannot make such a huge impact without the help of God. Beowulf represents a lot of what the Anglo Saxon culture emphasized on. He is an excellent monster slayer, has a band of warriors he is extremely loyal to, and, through all of his hard work, gains an immense amount of gold and glory to his name. However, in this epic poem, that still is not enough. Although he is mightiest of all the Geats, Beowulf still needs the help of God during his battles in order to come out victorious. After his close fight against Grendel’s mother, Beowulf acknowledges the role God played in helping him succeed, saying that he would “have been dead at once, and the fight finished, the she-devil victorious if our Father in Heaven had not helped [him]” (Beowulf 71). This allusion is supposed to represent how ultimately the Anglo Saxon way of life is not good enough anymore, and these people need God to help in their struggle of life. Because Beowulf has such a strong relationship with God, it is no surprise that any wicked monster he meets just becomes another trophy to add to his collection. When Beowulf swims down to the …show more content…

Grendel, his mother, and every monster just like them were “spawned in that slime, [c]onceived by a pair of those monsters born [o]f Cain, murderous creatures banished [b]y God, punished forever for the crime [o]f Abel’s death” (Beowulf 6). Anglo Saxon culture centers around the slaying of monsters in the pursuit of gold and glory, however this obvious allusion to the Bible allows the author to incorporate some Christianity to explain the origin of these creatures. Both Grendel and Cain share the same evil nature about them, bringing horror and grief to the people they came in contact with, and they pose as enormous threats to their kingdom. Since they do not live like good Christians, God banishes Cain and Grendel from their respective kingdoms and dooms the two to a horrible afterlife. Of course, God had banished Cain on his own, removing him from Eden and sending him down to Earth; however, God banishes Grendel with the help of Beowulf. This infusion between the will of Beowulf to banish the threat of Grendel from Herot and the fate set by God for not being a good Christian foreshadows what eventually happens to any unfaithful Christian. The author makes it abundantly clear that “all non-Christians, no matter how virtuous or heroic, were damned” (Brown 2). This served to not only convert the Anglo Saxon audience but reminds them to stay faithful to Christianity’s pillars or they would be doomed to an eternity of

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