Benefits of the Computer on Our Lives

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The statement, which says, “depending on computer” has been a controversial issue since it was invented. Some people believe that computer has unpleasant effects on people’s lives, such as destroying social communication, affecting people’s health, and limiting their creativity. On other hand, some people think that computer has presented a lot of benefits on people’s lives. For instance, it has developed education, increased knowledge about the universe, and reduced time working. In my opinion, I believe strongly that a positive side has a right presenting because computer has provided a lot of benefits on our life such as enhancing many ways to develop education, contributing to discover and determine different planets, and making life easier.

Today, it is so clear to see many significant changes in the education around the world because of computer. Almost all schools and universities have become involved with computer’s system to provide an appropriate environment for students to study or prepare for classes. For example, Oklahoma State University provides a crucial program called Desire to Learn (D2L) which is an online website made for teachers to post assignments, grades, and other notes related to the courses. And this program is so helpful because it gives students a nice chance to study from home, participate on announced events, or even avoid students from getting in trouble such as receiving email when weather conditions are not good to attend classes. Moreover, in the past students and researchers used to face difficulties to get information and data related to subject. However, nowadays computer makes it easier because of the gigantic data and information that computer has. Computer has a revolutionary influence in enhancing our education.

In addition, a lot of scientists and scholars are using computer in many ways to reach and prove their studying fields about the universe. In this era, scientists have become more interested to discover more planets and galaxies, by using telescope that is being programed by computer. Computer has helped scientists in several ways like saving data and providing accurate information. For example, the aircraft (Curiosity) has sent to Mars since a year ago supplied significant information from Mars, which have helped scientists to study Mars’s surface carefully. Computer has assisted scientists and scholars around the globe to communicate easily, which gives them an excellent opportunity to share their studies, which helps scientists to improve their studies.

How people can live without computer? I have thought about this question for several years, until I have reached that people cannot live comfortably and with harmony without using computer tools.

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