What Are The Pros And Cons Of Mixed Education

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Recently, there has been an increase in debate and research on the benefits of single-sex education. The results of the examination have been received with mixed feelings across the population as there has been a spilt between people arguing for and against the issue. Ideally, reviews of the cons and pros illustrate disagreements among experts and researchers. Promoters of co-ed education argue that: students learn to communicate with each other of different genders; boys seem to study harder to impress the girls and that such schools are more opening since students are able to view different perspectives. According to Bohm, author of “Back to School Minus the Sex Stereotypes,” students who study in mixed sex institutions tend to develop higher …show more content…

According to Bohm, students learn to relate and work well with each gender from being in a mixed school. This is because students have the chance to mingle and adopt good personal relations as they talk, learn, and interact with each other. In the real world these students will eventually have to communicate with their coworkers who will more than likely be mixed gender and going through the mixed education system will allow them to feel more prepared for when the time comes. Jackson from “Dangerous Presumptions’: how single‐sex schooling reifies false notions of sex, gender, and sexuality” argues that students in single-sex classrooms may find it quite difficult to relate, work and live with members of the opposite sex (230). Although this cause is due to that they are not used to relating with members of the opposite sex and are now finding it challenging. One may argue that communicating with people of each gender is an easy task, but it is only easy because it is something that they have been doing since they were young. This is not the same case for people coming from single-sex environments. Research indicates that personal relations are one of the most difficult challenges among people that are built through time and experience (Marisa 6). According to the American Psychological Association, this could affect the students in same-sex …show more content…

Mixed schools reflect the diversity in the society and promote the fight against sexism. As such, they are progressive because they facilitate the society to forget initially afflicted it. On the other hand, Pahlke, Bigler and Patterson argue that single-sex schools act as a throwback to the society since they remind the society of its past whereby only men were allowed to access modest education (265). Separating female students may act as a reminder of the painful past and negatively result in poor performance at school. In addition, the continued establishment of same-sex schools may affect the progress that has already been made. In order to prevent such a situation, parents should be encouraged to take their children to mixed schools. This may act as an effort of trying to move away from the past that was coupled with segregation and

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