The Benefits of Offshore Drilling

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As a young girl comes out of the ocean from swimming, suddenly she notices the brown oily stains on her bathing suit. When she looks back into the water, tar balls flow with the current of the water. The girl automatically washes the toxins off of her body, and she no longer wants to go to the beach for vacation. This results in lower tourist rates. Although accidents happen, the coastal workers continually strive to keep the beaches clean for the tourists that visit regularly. The recent British Petroleum oil spill that ravaged the Gulf Coast has turned people away from offshore drilling, but this type of drilling can really benefit the United States without great destruction.

One benefit of offshore drilling consists of lesser pollution than the average person assumes. Pollution flows throughout the air in every area of the United States. Transportation emits more pollution than offshore drilling. Although they both pollute the environment, offshore oil drilling remains far less contaminated than Americans might think. The United States Minerals Management Service states, “. . . since 1975, 101,997 barrels spilled from among the 11.855 billion barrels of American oil extracted offshore” (Baird). Overall, this result should bring some relief about pollution. In the article, Baird explains that this number remains less than one percent of the overall oil contamination rate (Baird). According to this information, pollution found in the United States comes from various sources. If Americans worry about pollution, oil drilling should not be one of the top concerns. Truck pollution seems to have more of an impact on the environment than offshore oil drilling pollution. Sean Kilcarr explains, “. . . diesel-powered trucks . . . [are]...

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...ns in deep debt and needs to seek a way out.

Works Cited

Baird, Stephen L. "Offshore Oil Drilling: Buying Energy Independence or Buying Time?." Technology Teacher 68.3 (2008): 13-17. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 23 Mar. 2011.

Kilcarr, Sean. "Emission Control: Do We Have a Problem?." American City & County 120.2 (2005): 42-46. Vocational and Career Collection. EBSCO. Web. 8 Apr. 2011.

"Offshore Drilling Will Create Jobs and Help the Economy." Offshore Drilling. Ed. Margaret Haerens. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2010. Opposing Viewpoints. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 23 Mar. 2011.

"The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea." Economist 388.8592 (2008): 29-30. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 8 Apr. 2011.

Zuckerman, Mortimer B. "Stop the Energy Insanity." U.S. News & World Report 21 July 2008: 118+. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 8 Apr. 2011.

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